Sunday, March 30, 2008



It's cold this morning,
Though the last few days were warm;
March is such a tease

The apple blossoms like it
When the summer heat's delayed

She does not accept
(One should not appear too eager)
His first advance

All the grandchildren gather
For his eighty-fifth birthday

In the nearby park
Under the shade of some trees
It is still too hot

They share a glass of ice tea
After tending the garden

The dishwasher hums
Overhead a plane passes
A neighbor's dog barks

While the October full moon
Watches as the dry leaves fall

He shuffles the deck,
Then deals the cards to his friends;
Monthly poker night

A stack of coats and mittens
Lies on the living room couch

Ready to be sent,
Along with other discards,
To the Goodwill Store

She retrieves one photograph,
"I'll keep this one after all."

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