Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Books Launch

Books Launch

I have just published two small collections of my poetry.  The first is Shorter Tanka Journeys.  The book contains fourteen short Tanka Sequences.  The tanka were each written as individual poems and can stand alone.  I then gathered them by topic to form sequences.  The topics include love, social commentary, nature, and old age.

Shorter Tanka Journeys
ISBN: 9781508620716
117 pages

The second book is Shorter Cinquain Journeys.  It is a small collection of twelve Cinquain Sequences.  Like the tanka in Shorter Tanka Journeys, each cinquain was written as a stand-alone poem and subsequently gathered together on the basis of their shared topic.  The topics are similar to those found in STJ.  This book is also written to express my gratitude for this form of poetry which is now 100 years old.  The cinquain is the first syllabic form that has emerged in an English language context and the form has attracted a lot of poets who have used the form for the full range of poetic expression. 

Shorter Cinquain Journeys
ISBN: 9781508800071
114 pages

These two books join my previous collection, Shorter Haiku Journeys.  In each case the ‘shorter journeys’ refers to previous books where I published sequences of these forms that were much longer than those found in the Shorter series of books.  In White Roses the haiku sequences are about 100.  In Tanka River the sequences, again, are about 100 tanka.  And in Lanterne Light there is a 100+ cinquain sequence.  Because the sequences in the Shorter Journeys books are briefer I call them ‘shorter journeys’.

All of these books are available at Amazon or through your local bookstore.

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