Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Moonlight through the mist
Moonlight through the pine
Strange shapes drift and twist
Strange shapes intertwine


Dan Gurney said...

I love these! In the part of the bloggosphere I travel, some have been discussin--favorably--the pleasures of rhyming poetry. For one thing, when poem scan and rhyme, they sure are easier to memorize!

Jim714 said...

That's a good point. I also find that poems that have a stable line length, such as the Quatrains, are easier to memorize than poems where the line length flutuates. Even though sonnets are fairly long, I know many people who have memorized traditional sonnets which scan, have a regular line length, and traditionally embody some kind of rhyme scheme. If one considers song, almost all popular songs rhyme; it is part of the pleasure of the song. Modern free verse has lost touch with this dimension of poetry.
